Monday, October 1, 2012

The Funniest Show on TV just got Funnier

The Office logo for season 9
     The show The Office has aired on NBC for eight full seasons now and recently begun its ninth and final season. The show is centered on what is referred to as “a typical American workplace” and the employees within. The show originally starred Steve Carell as the main character and branch manager of Dunder Mifflin Scranton, Michael Scott. However, Carell did end his career with the show in the seventh season, not appearing in the eighth season at all. The show changed from focusing mainly on the manager to how the company functions. The new branch manager is Andy Bernard, who is portrayed by Ed Helms, but the show’s main focal characters are now Jim Halpert, his wife Pam (Jenna Fischer) and his rival Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson). Halpert and portrayed by John Krasinski
Steve Carell as Michael Scott
The episode opens with the characters recapping what has happened over the summer since we last saw them. After the title sequence airs, we see two new characters emerge from the kitchen asking where to toss out some trash. The group quickly mocks them and then begin to refer to them as “New Jim” and “New Dwight.” Jim quickly jumps on the defensive and argues to the camera that he is not the new Jim and that if he is, then everyone is the new Jim. Dwight however remains silent on the matter. At this point Andy walks into the office returning from a soul searching trip for the past three months. At this point, Dwight embraces New Dwight. 
Rainn Wilson as Dwight Schrute
It doesn’t take long for the rivalry between Andy and Nellie to spark up as she previously stole his job. With Dwight trying to connect to New Dwight he sparks a conversation with him which ends with New Dwight trying to steal Dwight’s clients and him storming off in a fit of rage. Now, Andy takes the rivalry to a whole new level. He sets up a slack line, essentially a tightrope, outside and walks across. Next, He invites Nellie to do the same and says whoever falls off will look like a real “Nellie.” When she attempts, he pushes her off. Soon, New Dwight and old Dwight are at it just like Nellie and Andy. New Dwight does the line perfectly and Dwight falls off numerous times. We have a private talk with Jim where he tells us that he created an idea with his friends that they are pursuing and that he could be partners with but he declines. As the episode approaches its end, we see Jim hesitate to make a phone call. He even hangs up once after dialing the number. He does, however, make the call and we discover that he is going to accept the partnership. 
The episode ends and the credits roll. This, as an opening episode, was one of my personal favorites because it ties everything together, yet it leaves room to grow. 


  1. great intro and background. i like the links and pictures. the blog kept my attention the whole time. the humor was great and i enjoyed reading it. i might start watching the office now thanks to you.

  2. The background of the show was clear and easy to understand. The links and the pictures were set up well. The summary of the episode was clear and did a good job of describing the show. The tone of the article was good and informative. the flow and the grammar was good.

  3. In the beging paragraph i think some of the sentences could be clarified but i do quite enjoy it. i love the links and the pictures. I dont like how you put the links of the characters and who they really are i think it could have been done differently. I am also confused on who nellie is? Over all i really did enjoy your article. Good job!

  4. There is a great amount of background on the show and i love that its not overwhelming. there was a great amount of links and pictures. For the most part the article was clear except for Nellie? who is she? Your article had great flow i really enjoyed your article. I loved it you did a great job!
    Sarah W

  5. I don't feel like the part about Steve Carell should not have gone into so much depth at the beginning due to the fact that he s no longer on the show. The other background information all sounds really good though. The pictures look really good. You had a good flow through out the entire article. You also showed your opinion quite well. THIS WAS SWELL! (:
