My Bio

            I was born on November 28, 1995, in Chula Vista, California.
My family.
            I was born to Mark and Brenda Rendon. My father is a real estate agent who also works part-time at Albertsons in Tierrasanta. He was born August 26, 1957, in Austin, Texas. His father was in the Air Force and as a child, he moved around a lot. In the mid 70s he moved to San Diego where he met his wife, Brenda. Brenda was born on April 16, 1962, to Ray and Virginia Caspers. Ray was also in the Air Force and served at Balboa Medical Center until he retired. Brenda has 4 siblings, 3 sisters, and a brother. Her family lived in Chula Vista, California. I have 3 siblings. My older sister, Brianna, is 26 and works full-time at a theater for the performing arts in Carlsbad. My Brother, Josh, is 23 and works full-time as an Assistant Supervisor at Sea World. Finally, my younger brother, Brandon, is 14 and is a freshman in high school.
 Childhood and School Life
            I began school relatively early starting at the age of 4. I struggled with reading and many thought I would be held back.I moved forward with school usually finding it pretty easy but there were some struggles. I struggled with reading until about the 4th grade. It wasnt that I couldnt read, it was that I didnt like to. When middle school came around, it was a whole new world. It was more work and a lot less play. Having multiple classes also threw me a curve ball because it became a lot easier to become unorganized between the classes and that is exactly what happened. I will admit that I have never been a very organized person but there was something about having to separate work by classes that made life just so much harder. I had a pretty normal childhood. There were no big events beside the occasional fights with my siblings.
This is how most of my time is spent.
            When I was younger, my hobbies included playing video games, swimming, riding bikes, and playing soccer in a local league for six years. My first team was called The Green Goblins. We were awesome. We lost every game. Most of my childhood was spent playing soccer.After my sixth year of playing soccer, I decided to try out basketball.
            More recently, I find myself tinkering with electronics and engineering software and websites. I have become more of a techno-geek than a sports jock. Most of my hobbies and activities now have been pushed to the side however, because of time limitations with work. When I do have free time, it is usually spent with my girlfriend and at the gym. Work takes up most weekends so one of my favorite hobbies, naturally, is sleeping.
            I am resourceful. I am good with puzzles and problem solving. One of the times this is been shown was when I had problems with my car. I put hours of my time into research both online and physically working on the car. I kept working and doing research when I finally stumbled upon a website that mentioned it could be the valves that control the airflow. I took the valve out and cleaned it out. All my time and hard work paid off in the problem had been fixed.
            I am also caring. On December 29, 2012, my dad suffered a heart attack. He was hospitalized in released a week later but told he was out of work for 3 to 4 weeks. He would only have disability pay which is nothing compared to his usual paycheck. Knowing that my family was already going through hard times, I took $200 out of my personal savings account and gave it to the family in the time they needed it.
Work. A place I love with the people I love.
            Currently, I work at SeaWorld San Diego. I am an Assistant Supervisor for Guest Arrival. I love my job and it gives me and opportunity to interact with guests and allows me to gain experience with guest service. The career I want to go into his technology and I would like to work for Apple Inc. in hardware design. I want to do this because I enjoy working on computers and other technology. I am a puzzle solver so I would view each of the puzzle and try to find a solution. I have always been good with mechanical and technological things. Hardware engineering is a convergence of both so I would be able to do what I love and get paid to do it. I hope that one day I am on the design team for the iPhone, iPod, iMac, Mac Mini, or any other Apple designed device and all of its elegance.

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