Recommendation Report

From: Travis Rendon
Subject: Mac vs. PC

As you know, there are two main types of computers on the market today, Macs and PCs. Both have many advantages and disadvantages so I am here to show you a few of each and recommend which is best for you. The recommendation is based on the following:
            I recommend buying Mac because they are much faster, last much longer and the technology in them can handle newer updates and stay current for many years. They are usually sleeker and can take much more physical abuse due to the solid aluminum unibody construction.

            Budget-For obvious reasons, price is a big factor in buying a new computer. If you have the money to spend but just are trying to spend as little as possible, dont. 
Mac:The average price of a Mac desktop computer is $2,000+. If you want quality, you're going to have to spend a little more. If a new Mac isnt in your budget and you already have a keyboard, mouse, and monitor, there is a cheaper option. It is called the Mac Mini and is about 1/3 the price of a full sized iMac.
PC:The price of a PC is much lower, averaging about $600. But, with these cheaper prices, you are sacrificing quality and design. Some say that the cheaper prices of the PC make it obvious which to buy, but really, you need to think about when you may have to replace is and spend another $600.
            Speed-Another very important factor is speed. The speed of a new computer is what makes or breaks it. 
Mac:With all Macs you can upgrade from a base model to one that includes a faster processor. These upgrades arent always cheap, but the speed increase that you will see is well worth it. But speed isnt always about the processor. It is also about the hard drive. Solid State Drives, or SSDs, access quickly but are not very large. Hard Disk Drives, HDDs, are slower to access data but have much more data storage. Apple has created what they call Fusion Drive that merges both a SSD and a HDD. It has fast data accessibility and massive storage space. It is by far the best hard drive available on the market today.
PC:With PCs, SSDs are still available as an option alongside the standard HDD but they have no equal to the Fusion drive. Generally with PCs you can also change the hard drive with easy which can be a little more complicated on a Mac but it involves hours or data transfer no matter what type of computer you are doing it on.
            Longevity-Arguably the most important part of buying a new computer is knowing how long it is going to last. Why would you spend $400 every two years when you can spend $1,000 for 10 years?
Mac: Mac's are well known to last a long time mainly due to the fact that their operating system is made by the same company that manufactures the hardware for the computer. This allows the system to understand exactly how all hardware will function and produce much less errors.
PC:PCs on the other hand are manufactured by many different companies and have the operating system from Microsoft. It is much harder for the software and hardware to work together and thus you receive registry error that slow down the computer.
            If you want the best computer on the market today, that will be fast and will last a very long time, get a Mac. Not only because of speed and how long it will last you, but because it is an investment that will pay off over time.

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