Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, to Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali. Schieble’s father had never approved of Jandali, so when she became pregnant with his son out of wedlock, he was furious. She was forced to give the baby up for adoption. Whilst looking for suitable parents, she had some conditions, specifically that the parents must be college graduates. They had a family lined up when Schieble’s father became very ill and they backed out in hopes of keeping the baby. In the end, they ran out of time and had to give Steve away. He wound up in the hands of Paul and Clara Jobs.
Steve always knew that he was special. He saw himself as being specially picked and wanted. He loved hanging out with his father while he worked on cars. He liked to tinker with the electronics while his dad worked on the mechanical parts. Steve was always very bright and he knew this. His teacher actually suggested that he skip two grades because school too easy for him. When he was in the fifth grade, he was bullied for being so smart. He was made fun and requested that his family moved somewhere nicer. As it was, Paul and Clara were barely making ends meet, but knowing it was for the benefit of their son, they obliged and moved to what would eventually come to be known as Silicon Valley. They found a nice place in a good neighborhood with friendly neighbors. Steve quickly made friends with the neighbor kids. A few of his new friends’ fathers worked for HP and would show off what they were working on to young Jobs. He was fascinated with all the technology he had seen. In fact, he was so fascinated that one night, he called up the CEO of HP and asked for a job. They talked for hours and after getting to know Jobs, over the phone, he hired Steve. He worked a relatively boring Job with low wages but it was in the field that he loved to work in. Jobs was also known to be a prankster and always found himself in trouble. One day, he rewired all the speakers in the house and turned them into microphones so he could listen to his parents’ conversations without them knowing. When his father discovered this, he was furious. Steve never had very many friends growing up. He always prefered a few good friends over a lot of not so good friends. This held true all through school. During his sophomore year, he met Steve Wozniak. The two Steves became inseparable instantly. They were like twins. They were both techno-geeks and loved a good prank. It was these pranks that made Jobs well known around school. 
Steve’s hobbies include working on cars with his father. He loved being around his dad. He liked working with him in sharing new things with him. He left his father he always enjoyed working with electronics. That was just what he did. Everything he did was working with electronics. He found peace enjoying it. He also loved playing jokes. Everyone knew the Steve love jokes and that if he was around, you should watch your back. Jobs was also somewhat of a troublemaker. It was usually has jokes into the most trouble but in his 20’s he found himself more into drugs. He smoked marijuana on a regular basis and also dropped acid. He enjoyed spending time with his friends and with his love, Chrisann Brennan. He left to go on drives out into the forest. He was very much into nature and quite often went on tangents about it and would go when many health cleanses. 

One of the very first claims to fames the jobs had was when he was in his late teens. Him and his best friend Steve Wozniak found that the serial car was matched pitch perfectly to the AT&T tones for international calls. Stephen Steve quickly capitalize on this by building a digital machine to match pictures in a book with all the tones on the AT&T network. They built a good number of these “blue boxes” and sold them for a hefty profit. What many people don’t know, is why they stopped. One day, while selling, they had a gun pointed at them and got it stolen. 
Another lesser known fact about Jobs is that he had a child with Chrisann Brennan and treated her horribly just as he had sworn he would never do. He treater her like the child wasn’t his and did not even acknowledge her. He went out and treated her like nothing had ever happened between them. Later in his life, after Chrisann passed away, he took care of her.

Job started this critter when he started apple with Wozniak in his garage in 1976. He was CEO until 1985 when he was ousted by the board and replaced by John Scully. After leaving Apple, he went and founded a new computer company called NeXT. He worked with next until 1997, when Apple was going bankrupt, they bought Next and reinstated Jobs as CEO.

In 1986, Jobs had bought a tiny movie company named Pixar. A deal between Disney and Pixar created the first movie made together called Toy Story. The movie made millions and Disney agreed to make more movies with Pixar. In 2006, Jobs sold Pixar and became the largest solo shareholder of Disney stocks.

Jobs returned to Apple and immediately put his own spin on everything. He quickly turned the company around and made it profitable. All designs had to be approved by Jobs himself before they were offered to the public. He had the final say and the power to veto anything he did not like. If he didn’t like a product, he would reject it until it was perfect. Thats what made the company what it is today, perfection.

Job’s reason for fame is simple. He is famous for designing and engineering the computers we use today. His strive for the impossible is what pushed forward innovation. Sometimes he didn’t know his limits and pushed people too far. He lived by the saying, “good artists borrow, great artists steal” and this didn’t mean that he stole things, it meant that he would take a small idea and build upon it and make it his own. 

Jobs dies at the young age of 56 years old.

He died at his home in Palo Alto on October 5, 2011. He died with his family at his side, including his children, wife, and sister.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nook or Book?

As technology advances it begins to phase out things that have been around for a long time. This has now spread to books and is becoming more common in libraries and on school campuses. Will this one day phase out textbooks or even whole classrooms?
Kindle app for iPad
Let's focus on the eReaders for now. With these electronic books, you can carry around hundreds, even thousands of books around with you all the time. They are simple and convenient. They also save paper and other resources. Not only are these eReaders convenient, but they are also cheaper. For the price of one paper book, you could easily buy two to three ebooks. There are many advantages to these ebooks but there are also many disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages are that these eReaders use batteries which means they have a limited run time before they have to be plugged in. However, most of the battery lives are about a month. Another disadvantage to this could be if you do not plan on reading very many books. Because if you are not a heavy reader, the inital cost could be higher than just buying a single book.
iBooks on an iPhone
Weighing in both the advantages and disadvantages, however, I believe that an eReader is a good investment and that the advantages outwight the disadvantages, especially if you plan on reading a good number of books.
Paper book
Next, let's focus on eReaders in libraries. I believe they are a good resource to have inside the libraries but I do not think that libraries should exclusively carry eReaders. Paper books are always going to be around and if we try and pretend that they won't be, they will just become harder to find when you inevitably need one. Another downside to having them in libraries is that with these eReaders, unless you have every book on every eReader, it could be harder to try and keep the books in stock in more popular books are on the same eReader.
All facts taken into consideration, I think that eReaders are becoming more and more abundant because they are a good technology. But they will never completely phase out books.